Text Talk
2 Men; 15 Minutes; Eternal Impact. Welcome to Text Talk. Edwin and Andrew open their Bibles and talk about it. Join us for a weekday time of Biblical devotion to God.
1220 episodes
Psalm 113: The Lord Blesses the Barren Woman
Psalm 113 (JPS)Andrew and Edwin look back to Hannah and Samuel in order to find Mary and Jesus in Psalm 113.Read the written devo that goes along with this episode b...
Season 6
Episode 35
Psalm 113: The Lord Lifts Up On High
Psalm 113 (NIV)Andrew and Edwin consider the second attribute of God that makes Him like no other. Not only does He sit on high, He lifts up the afflicted on high.Re...
Season 6
Episode 34
Psalm 113: The Lord Sits on High
Psalm 113 (The Message)Andrew and Edwin consider the first attribute of God distinguishing Him from everything and everyone else: He sits on high. He sits so very high. Higher than we can possibly imagine.
Season 6
Episode 33
Psalm 113: Who is Like the Lord?
Psalm 113 (LSB)Andrew and Edwin consider the Exodus question, repeated multiple times through Scripture and history and now found in Psalm 113: Who is like the Lord?...
Season 6
Episode 32
Psalm 113: Bless the Name of the Lord
Psalm 113 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the Egyptian Hallel psalms and the need to bless and praise the name of the Lord.Read the written devo that goes along with t...
Season 6
Episode 31
Psalm 112: The Ultimate Blessed Man
Psalm 112 (NLT)Andrew and Edwin find Jesus all over Psalm 112.Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here.
Season 6
Episode 30
Psalm 112: God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Psalm 112 (Alter Translation)Andrew and Edwin discuss Paul's use of Psalm 112 in support of the Corinthian collection to serve the brothers and sisters in the Judean famine.
Season 6
Episode 29
Psalm 112: Trusting the Lord
Psalm 112 (The Message)Andrew and Edwin discuss one of the very cool parallels between the acrostic lines of Psalms 111 and 112, teaching us to trust the Lord, not circumstances.
Season 6
Episode 28
Psalm 112: We Become What We Worship
Psalm 112 (NIV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the parallel nature of Psalms 111 and 112, demonstrating that the greatest blessing of worshiping God is becoming like Him.
Season 6
Episode 27
Psalm 112: Blessed!
Psalm 112 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the beatitude of Psalm 112, connecting back to Psalm 1 and the nature of wisdom.Read the written devo...
Season 6
Episode 26
Psalm 111: He Sent Redemption to His People
Psalm 111 (CSB)Andrew and Edwin find Jesus in Psalm 111.Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking here. ...
Season 6
Episode 25
Psalm 111: The Fear of the Lord
Psalm 111 (Alter Translation)Andrew and Edwin consider why wisdom begins with fearing the Lord.Read the written devo that goes along with this episode by clicking he...
Season 6
Episode 24
Psalm 111: Forever and Ever
Psalm 111 (The Message)Andrew and Edwin gain faith by noticing the permanence and stability of God's Word and Works.Read the written devo that goes along with this e...
Season 6
Episode 23
Psalm 111: Study and Delight in God's Works
Psalm 111 (NKJV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the majestic works of God especially as seen through creation. They encourage the study of the natural world because it is God's world.
Season 6
Episode 22
Psalm 111: Holy and Awesome is God's Name
Psalm 111 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss Psalm 111 as a meditation on the name of the Lord, connecting back to God's self-revelation in Exodus 34:6-7.
Season 6
Episode 21
Psalm 110: Priest Jesus
Psalm 110 (Priest Jesus)Andrew and Edwin discuss how Jesus fulfills the priest role of the new Melchizedek, with bird's eye look at what the author of Hebrews says about Jesus as the priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Season 6
Episode 20
Psalm 110: King Jesus
Psalm 110 (Bay Psalm Book)Andrew and Edwin find Jesus in Psalm 110 as the promised King who sits at YHWH's right hand.Read the written devo that goes alo...
Season 6
Episode 19
Psalm 110: At the Lord's Right Hand
Psalm 110 (Bassford)Andrew and Edwin discuss how Psalm 110 answers an issue brought up in Psalm 109. In the previous psalm, David pleaded for the Lord to stand at his right hand. In Psalm 110, we see God ...
Season 6
Episode 18
Psalm 110: David, A New Melchizedek
Psalm 110 ( LSB)Andrew and Edwin consider what events in David's life might have produced this psalm, looking at his victory at Jerusalem and sitting on the throne of Melchizedek's descendants.
Season 6
Episode 17
Psalm 110: David and the Holy Spirit
Psalm 110 (ESV)Andrew and Edwin discuss the various ways this psalm is attributed in the New Testament writings. This gives insight into the nature of Scripture inspiration.
Season 6
Episode 16
Psalm 109: In Jesus's Name, Amen!
Psalm 109 (CSB)Andrew and Edwin discuss how Jesus fits in this psalm. He must. After all, even Peter found him in it in Acts 1.Read the written devo that...
Season 6
Episode 15
Psalm 109: Your Steadfast Love
Psalm 109 (Alter Translation)Andrew and Edwin recognize God's steadfast love for His faithful people will often lead to judgment and cursing on the enemies of His people.
Season 6
Episode 14
Psalm 109: For Your Name's Sake
Psalm 109 (The Message)Andrew and Edwin discover that imprecations are only valid when we can truly say the point is for God's glory, not our revenge.Read the writte...
Season 6
Episode 13